Urban Interventions in Korea

The Story

In 2016 we were invited by Korean artist and design collective Ayoba to participate in a media art installation in Incheon, Korea. This suburb of Seoul is characterized by heavy industry and large housing complexes lacking cultural development. Therefore the city government is trying to improve the situation by supporting local artists, exhibitions and international exchange.

Together with Ayoba we developed a concept for an engaging, interactive media art installation in public space and created both digital and physical content in Korea. We were searching for a mobile unit that could be set up within a reasonable amount of time, so we decided to use a cargo container as the medium and exhibition space, which was mounted on a truck. This way we were able to create pop-up exhibitions and interact with many residents of Incheon.

The main theme for the outside video projection was the concept of Transference (kulturelle Übertragung). Our Korean friends received traditional Austrian music from our side and we got Korean traditional music as the basis for our animations. Then we created several short 3D animations in an attempt to visualize the music’s spirit. Inside the container we built an interactive projection mapping installation with the idea of deconstructing space and time. Visitors were able to control the audiovisual environment via a button interface while relaxing in deck chairs.

Key Facts

Concept & Production
Heejae Jun
Jiman Do
Jaehyuk Jung
Eunbi Koh

Werner Huber
Roland Mariacher

Supported By
IFAC – Incheon Foundation for Arts and Culture
Land Steiermark Abteilung 9
Hanyang University Ansan

Production Year